
We are excited to announce we now have the ability to advertise local businesses on our website. We look forward to helping businesses in our area grow as we continue to do the same.

Advertisements will be run for one year (January- December). All Advertisements will need to be repurchased every new year.

If you have a local business and would like to advertise on our website please consider one of the following Advertisement opportunities:

Sponsorship Levels


Our Premium level of advertising. Included in the advertisement package is all Purple level features plus the following:

  • Shoutout on our social media platforms, once per season.
  • Listed on our sponsor page as a Premium Sponsor
  • One time 25% discount for one player (One season only)



Our Standard level of advertising. Included in the advertisement package is all White level features plus the following:

  • Special shoutout about sponsorship during our club email, once per season
  • Logo posted on our homepage with a link to your website.



Our Basic level of advertising. Included in the advertisement package:

  • Listed on our sponsor page as a General Sponsor


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